Mauri from Tabuaeran’s only fly fishing lodge and guide service.
Adventure angling on Fanning Island, Kiribati. 100% local. 100% amazing.
Update December 2024
The fishing program is on for 2025. Mwatanga and his trusted team of guides, boatmen, and lodge staff are ready to take you on the flats.
I just returned to my home on Kaua‘i after two weeks in Kiribati. Tabueran is an experience beyond fishing (and best suited for a certain kind of adventure angler).
Stay tuned. Relax.
We will have an online meeting in January to provide an overview and answer your questions. Please be patient and trust that we are working on the logistics of this program.
Ko Rabwa and Mahalo,
“I like the fishing
as much as you do.”
— Mwatanga Aran